Programs We Offer

M.A in Family Life Education


Family Life Education

A field of study and practice that seeks to empower individuals and families with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to create and maintain healthy relationships.

Msc. in Organizational Leadership


Organizational Leadership

Defines how decisions are made, teams are motivated and objectives are achieved within a company or institution.

Courses We offer

Effective Leadership Training: Through Personality/Behavioral Analysis

This course equips the leader with an in-depth understanding of the behavioral tendencies of employees and how the leader can build a healthy organizational culture demonstrative of high productivity and good human relations. Areas analyzed in personality profiling include:

  • Personality and activity preferences
  • Task versus people orientation based on personality
  • General characteristics associated with personality types
  • Strengths and limitations of personality types
  • Combining personality with leadership effectiveness
  • Personality as it relates to communication, motivation, leadership style, and delegation
  • The leader who is also an effective follower
  • Assessing the emotional intelligence of self and others
  • Personality and time management needs
  • The leader's ideal environment
  • Personality and parenting
  • Change Management

    A study of the methodologies used to furnish persons with the prerequisite knowledge, tools and skills needed to support organizational change, as it relates to achieving strategic goals and objectives.

    life Coach

    Life Coaching

    An introductory study of methodologies used to equip persons with basic knowledge and skills needed to positively support oneself and others in achieving personal and or professional goals. The course covers the following nine areas - Theories and Models of Coaching, You as A Coach and Coaching for Change, Self-Concept, Emotional Intelligence, Communication Skills, Coaching Ethics, Understanding Human Behaviour and Values, Coaching For Social/Behavioral Change and The Power of Presence.

    Family Life Dynamics

    An introduction to the internal dynamics of families, roles within the family, family models and the family life cycle with emphasis on the Caribbean context. Discussions will also include how family members relate to each other, communication, conflict management in marriage, marital distress and divorce and the effects of the marital relationship on children. Nine areas will be explored: Understanding Family Structure, Family’s Rituals, Beliefs and Values, Attachment Theory and Its Effect on the Family, Marriage and Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family Relations, The Impact of Dysfunctional Marriages and Divorce on Family Members, The Dynamics of the Caribbean Culture and its Effect on the Family, and Preventative Care for Families.

    Procurement Management

    A study of the processes, planning, execution and overseeing of effective and efficient procurement management practices and applications/used in the transaction of buying and selling of goods and services in the marketplace. Nine areas of procurement management will be explored - Purchasing Management Basics, The Procurement Process, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, Cost Reduction and Cost-Price Analysis, Price Negotiation, Procurement Transformation, Ethics and Social Responsibility, and Case Studies in Procurement Management